Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Occupational Therapy

Miss Lila recently qualified for OT services again. Her Special Instructor and classroom teacher have both commented on her clumsy ways.  Let's just say Lila leaps before she thinks!  She also could use some help in the fine motor department.  She is drawing different shapes etc. and can write her name (thank goodness it is only four letters) but her pencil grasp is immature.  Cutting also lags behind that of her peers.

Since I have no idea how to help Lila lift herself out of her clumsy ways, or rein her into cutting and drawing activities with me when she would rather be running or jumping, I am thrilled to have OT on board again.  Lila performs well for her therapists, just not mommy or daddy. 

Well, Lila was evaluated in February and qualified for OT at the beginning for March and. . . hasn't seen an OT yet.  Budget cuts, the economy, and many other factors play into overloaded therapists that can't increase their case load.  Do I care?  NO!  My kid qualifies for the services and she should be getting them.  When complaining to the case manager about her lack of follow through and persistence, I am told that I should be reassured that Lila will get all the services that are due her.  Her OT will make up for the lost weeks.  My complaint is that she doesn't have an OT and she needs the help now, not four months from now.  We need not wait until Lila has formed any more bad habits will with pencil grasp or fallen more behind in her other areas of concern. 

So here it is.  A piece of my life that sets me apart from many other moms.  I am not trying to figure out what T-ball team to sign up for, or what playdate to plan for the twins.  I am spending hours going back and forth on the phone with the county while trying to manipulate my schedule so that Adeline's OT can serve Lila.  (I begged and she was willing.  God Bless her!)  Yes, that required moving one of Lila's speech therapy sessions and  changing Adeline's bus schedule. 

At the end of the day, I feel that I spend countless hours driving, following up with therapists, and worrying if it is all worth.  It has to be right??

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