Wednesday, May 26, 2010


Savannah is nearing her last day of Kindergarten - gulp! I can't believe she is approaching seven years of age and will be in 1st grade.  Everyone told me the time would fly.  They just failed to tell me how to stop it from doing so.

I can honestly say that Savannh is more than I ever dreamed. She has broken out of her shy shell and become confident, yet completely compassionate. Somehow, she is the perfect balance. I once said that I wanted to raise a girl with strong convictions - not unlike her mother at times :) Well, I believe we are on the road. Savannah is determined to make this world a better place. She has started by developing a No Liter task force. It is only made up of one individual but she is always recruiting members while picking litter up off the ground along the way. Savannah is also compassionate about Africa. After her Kindergarten class studied the country, Savannah has been saving up her money. After thinking long and hard, she has decided that she wants to spend her money on clean drinking water for Africa. She once said, "Most kids would want to buy toys but not me. Clean water is much more important than a new toy." We just opened a savings account for her activism and Savannah is very excited to get to her $50.00 mark.  Never a day goes by without Savannah pointing out something she could do to help improve someone's world.

Looking at what I just wrote, especially after reflecting on my worries a year ago, Savannah is a huge success. She is top of her class academically (can now read the Magic Treehouse Series!!), she is highly respected by both students and staff, and she is blossoming in her faith. I couldn't be more proud.

With this growth and surge in confidence, I feel my little girl needing me a less. I wasn't prepared for her strong desire to play with friends in our cul-de-sac, have playdates with school friends, or spending time in her room alone. These desires are certainly stronger than her desire to snuggle with me on the couch while talking about her day. She needs less holding/snuggling and much less of my time. While she still gets very excited to have special mommy and Savannah time, her proximity from me is different. I used to complain that she wouldn't ever be in a different room than me. Now I wish we shared the same spaces more often.

I know her love for me hasn't changed. I also know that this is a completely natural and necessary road in her development. I would just rather freeze her in time. I now know what it feels like to miss her. I can't believe that I am the one asking of her time when it has always been the other way around.

In the end, I just hope that she knows how much I love her and appreciate all that she brings to this family. We got so LUCKY! 

As far as my heart is concerned. . . moments like the one in this picture help to fill the void.

The best big sister anyone could ask for!

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