Monday, June 28, 2010

West Chester University Swim Lessons

Savannah just completed three weeks of swim lessons at West Chester University.  She went from not swimming to swimming a full lap and treading water for 2.5 minutes.  She swam daily and commented about how hard it was.  They really have the kids moving the entire time and eventually only in deep water.  This is the same child that was "kicked out" of swim lessons at our local YMCA at three years old.  It is also her only experience organized swim lessons.  Three weeks and I BELIEVE!

After watching Savannah swim for two weeks, I enrolled the twins for the last week.  Technically, the lessons run for two full weeks but our vacation cut into the last half.  The beginners start with learning how to jump into deep water, righting themselves on their backs, and using only their arms to get to the side of the pool while remaining in the float position.  Both girls passed!  I was amazed and, oh so proud.  I should mention that they passed with tears - at least some during each session.  Adeline has a much harder time due to motor planning and vestibular fear.  Lila did really well from day one if the cries are ignored.  By the last day, she was jumping in on her own accord which demonstrated her courage.  Of course and Ernie present was waiting in the wings.

Here is Adeline being "forced" in the water. She looks like she is drowning but she isn't. She makes it to the side and grabs the wall! Painful to watch but successful at the same time. (Remember, this is her 5th day of lessons!)

Here is Miss Lila showing her perfected float.

Both little girls will repeat the beginner session next summer so that they are completely at ease in deep water before starting their arm strokes.  Savannah just needs to work on endurance because next session will start in deep water and each child will spend the entire 45 minutes swimming laps.

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