Tuesday, July 13, 2010


Adeline's love affair with giraffes started in the NICU. She had the Cadillac of isolettes because, at the time of her birth, she assumed the, "Sickest and Tiniest Baby" label. The isolette is called a giraffe isolette because it goes from looking like a typical isolette. . .

to looking like a giraffe very quickly. It gives the doctors full and immediate access to the baby in distress.

Every since her NICU days we have enjoyed Adeline's true attachment to giraffes, even if we kind of pushed them on her in the beginning.

On the way to North Carolina we stopped at the Baltimore Zoo. We had our fingers crossed that the giraffes were in the mood for some tasty bamboo at the feeding station. Imagine The Belle's excitement when the giraffe walked right up to us and ate the leaves right out of our hands! Miss Adeline, who balks at the smallest creatures, stood strong and brave while reaching out toward this enormous animal. She really does love giraffes.

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