Thursday, October 28, 2010

Itchy, Scratchy, Witch Costume is On!

Adeline had her Halloween party in her developmental classroom. I wasn't able to attend (Did I really put a tennis clinic over my Belle's party?). I was there last year so daddy took the reins this year. I presume it was good for him to make a classroom appearance without me.

I was able to catch the last five minutes of the party because I had to drop Lila at the same school for speech therapy. Upon arriving, I was nervous about the report. Did Adeline behave normally, did she wear her costume, and how did she stack up against her new classmates?

It seems that when parents come to Adeline's IU preschool classroom, the kids fall apart. Let's remember that these are children with developmental issues and, more than not, change isn't welcome - even if it is a parent. Adeline always acts much more clingy when I am invited in and I usually have Lila in tow which makes for the two of them fighting over my lap.

Today, this was not the case. According to Daddy, Adeline did great. While some children were falling apart, Adeline stood strong. She engaged, ate her snack and. . . drum roll please. . . put on her scratchy witch costume. For a month she has been set on being Thomas or Lightening McQueen for Halloween. Take a minute and Google those costumes and you will see why she isn't. They just aren't cute. I like cute! I am pretty sure that is stating the obvious but I wanted to put it out there. What is cute is Savannah's old witch costume. It is flowy, scratchy, and wiggly which is enough to turn Adeline against it while it is still on the hanger. But guess what? She put it on and paraded around her school. I think she is pretty darn cute in to too!  I can only guess being in school contributed to the successful outcome. To put it in perspective, I was just going to leave her in a pumpkin shirt and call it good. I figured it wasn't worth the fight. I am sure glad I didn't because every other kid had a costume.

My final question about stacking up against her peers is hard for anyone to answer on a day that is out of the ordinary. What Daddy did say was that Adeline was very composed and met all expectations. This was not true for a handful of the other kids. While this makes me happy, I am also nervous about Adeline getting too close to the top of the class. This line of thinking will be saved for another post but for now, I will just say that Adeline is a shining leader this year. This being a first for the Belle, and for now, being at the top of the class is okay.

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