Sunday, October 17, 2010

A Little Blurb about Me

I rarely post about myself.  My world is my girls and would have nothing interesting to blog about if it weren't for them.  However, I do sneak in a few hours during the week for me.  Instead of shopping, resting, or cleaning, I workout.  I don't know if it is more for me or my girls.  I always say that working out makes me a better mommy.  It really does. 

This year, Alex and I signed up to do the Philly Marathon.  Actually, I am only doing a "halfer."  The marathon is fast approaching so I decided to give my self a trial run.  I signed up for a ten mile race that took place this weekend. 

Boy, was I nervous.  I didn't want to have anything to do with it when the day came.  Luckily, my friend Melissa talked me off the ledge just an hour before race time.  She reminded me that the only race I am running was my own.  She was right.  It didn't matter if I came in last.  One thing is for certain, I DON'T RUN FOR TIME!

As Alex and I approached the starting line, all I saw were real runners.  All skinny, long and lanky people!  It ended up being a good thing because everyone left me and I ran by myself most of the way.

I am proud to say that . . .

I ran the entire 10 miles. 

I didn't come in last. 

I averaged a sub-eleven minute mile (don't laugh, that is good for me). 


The home stretch.