Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Belated Happy Anniversary and New Year!

I am trying to catch up here. . .

Let's see, there have been a few notable occasions.  Alex and I celebrated our 10th year anniversary.  Time flies once you have kids!!  I can't believe it was ten years ago that we exchanged vows and laid the foundation of what would eventually turn into our family five. 

In keeping with her tradition, Savannah threw us a surprise anniversary celebration.  It was postponed until New Year's Day, a Saturday, which made things easier.  She had the evening to prepare the house with Grammy and Papa because Alex and I were out welcoming the New Year with our dear friends, Melissa and Byron. 

I think I thought it was ten years ago because back then I could handle this. . . .
much better than I can now.  Holy headache and tiredness!!!

Back to our celebration. . . Luckily, the kids let us sleep but, eventually, we were awakened by a very excited seven year old.  She had decorated the house with various crafts she had been making since summer!!  I had no idea that she had been working on this.  First, we were taken downstairs for gifts and confetti.  Savannah kept to her handmade theme and drew us a beautiful picture of our wedding day.  She framed it and presented it to both Alex and I.   She read us cards that were ever so sweet and then showered us with tinsel. Next, we all were seated in the dinning room for a spread of french toast and fruit.  Although, I was feeling it from the night before, my heart was warmed with love by my big girl.  She is just so darn sweet!

Savannah and Grammy pulled off another anniversary to remember.

Here is a sign Savannah made this summer.  It is amazingly sweet but she was a little embarrassed by all of the words she misspelled when she reread it six months later.

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