Friday, January 28, 2011

So Sweet

I can't get enough of Savannah when I see her bundled up.  Each morning she leaves the house in her hat, scarf, gloves and coat.  She is wearing it all when I pick her up at the end of her day as well.  I love the way she ties her scarf around her neck - always.  It just seems to fit her sweet personality.  I love how she can put all if it on without any help! 

With a day out of school for a doctor appointment followed by two snow days, I have had a lot of time with my big girl.  She is still the sweet Savannah that I have always felt very lucky to raise.  There are moments when she shows she is growing up and has less patience with her sisters and doesn't always bend over backwards to ALWAYS do the right thing.  But I guess it is part of the natural progression of growing up.   Overall, Savannah still leaves me in awe when I compare her to other kids.  She is unique.  She NEVER defies us and NEVER says anything mean.  This girl is so easy to raise.  Academics come very easy, compassion rules her heart and "sweet" is how everyone describes her.

I am so darn lucky to be her mom.  Given the choice, she still chooses to spend time with me over anyone else.  I cherish this as I continue to tell myself that it won't last forever.  Most of her friends would choose a play date over a Mommy date.  But I have the girl that told me just today, she wants to go to college somewhere close to home so she can come home everyday.  And, if she does get married, she wanted to know if she and her husband can live with me.  I told her, "Of course!"  This girl can't leave me.  I can't bare the thought of it.

I love you sweet girl!!

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