Thursday, March 3, 2011

Africa Money

Over the past year, we have been supporting three children from Senegal.  Our church partnered with World Vision in effort to adopt 450 children spread over three communities in this country.  This, in conjunction with Savannah's study of Africa in Kindergarten, prompted her to save every last cent for Africa.  She has done a pretty good job.  As of late, she is up to $100.00.  Frequently, she asks me, "How am I going to pay my money to Africa?"  Good question.  We have our monthly support debited from our Visa so there is no tangible evidence or model to show our children.  We can't pack up Savannah's large zip lock bag of money and send it to the child we sponsor in her name.  We are discouraged from sending large care packages too. 

Finally, Savannah got her break.  We walked into church on Sunday and saw that there was an area allocated for school supplies.  After further investigation, I realized that there was a school supply list passed out over the last two Sundays (we were not there).  These supplies were going to be physically delivered to a new school in Senegal by a team from our church.  I quickly grabbed a list off the table and once church was over, offered Savannah the opportunity to use her money to buy supplies needed for the school.  She was thrilled.  Off we went to buy paper, scissors, chalk and many more supplies our children take for granted.  My big girl spent $22.26 and was thrilled to do so.  The same scissors that Savannah held in her hands will soon be held in the hands of the children she has longed to help in Africa.

We can't wait for the next opportunity for her to spend the remaining $80.00.  I am so grateful for her selfless heart and compassion.  It continues to push me to be a better person.

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