Sunday, March 13, 2011

I Talk Like Savannah Now

I have mentioned before that Lila Grace understands that she has difficulty trying to express herself.  That expressive language delay still plagues my little girl and gets her very hung up at times.  When trying to retell a story that I know she knows, Lila often finds herself pausing for long periods which end in one or two word phrases.  I don't know what it is that causes the glitch but know that it stems from her prematurity.  Once I cue her with a few of the words I believe she is searching for, her language explodes.  She is then able to tell me much of what she couldn't just a few seconds before.

Just recently, Miss Lila has come up to me with a very big smile and said, "I talk like Savannah now!"  "I am a big girl now!"  I guess her expressive language isn't as labored or at least doesn't feel that way to her.  I haven't seen a huge difference but I am hopeful that an expressive langauge explosion is in our near future.  It is very hard to watch my kid struggle with words when I know that SHE knows she is struggling.

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