Saturday, March 12, 2011

Lila is Swimming with Big Arms!

We started swim lessons in order to kill two birds with one stone. Since Lila was showing opposition when moving to the deeper end of pools even when being held and was not receiving any physical therapy, I figured a private swim lesson with Miss Trish was the perfect fit.

Miss Lila resisted these lessons. They are intense as the child is moving the majority of the 30 minute lesson. Lila was forced to hang onto the floating bar and kick the length of pool, go under water and float on her back. None of which she liked. Eventually, something clicked. I finally felt that we were not just covering the PT piece but also learning to swim.

Lila's last and final session of lessons was a soaring success. Miss Lila put her brave face on and learned to swim with her big arms. She puts her face in the water and appears to be a bit of a power house when watching her stroke. Maybe she will follow in her daddy's footsteps?

Alex and I attended Lila's last lesson in order to show her how proud we are of her success. She kicked it in high gear for us and started taking breaths while continuing on with her stroke. It wasn't pretty and still needs probably a year's worth of work to perfect, but it was progress and bravery. We are very proud!

Here is a clip of Lila Grace swimming back and forth to her teacher Miss Trish before taking breaths clicked. She is definitely tired in this one as her arms aren't moving as quickly or as high but it took a minute to get my camera.

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