Sunday, April 17, 2011

Princess Sisters

Our local local library held a mature princess tea this weekend.  It was for ages 4-8 and involved Miss West Chester University and her court.  There wasn't any of the Disney Princess stuff that I have successfully avoided with my girls.  Savannah has never been a princessy type girl but with Miss Girly Lila in the house, Savannah has been caught dressing up from time to time.  Dressing up in a fancy princess dress is right down Lila's alley. 

When I saw the registration, I thought it might be nice for Savannah and Lila to attend.  With Miss West Chester University there to teach the girls proper etiquette and read some stories, how could I go wrong.  Lila would love it and Savannah would get to see another side of princesses.  I should make clear that I am not trying to turn my girls into princesses but rather open their eyes beyond that of Disney princesses.  I also thought it would be a special Lila and Savannah outing.  By the way, Adeline was very excited to go to Target with Daddy and had no desire to join the princess tea.

Savannah and Lila had a blast.  Miss West Chester University gave each girl a special necklace (rather nice too) with a heart that flips from upside down to right side up.  She reminded them that each day they should find a way to be generous.  They were told to flip their heart once they extended their generosity.  Pretty cute idea.  After some fancy cupcakes and pink lemonade, Miss West Chester University danced with the girls.  My two girls were dancing together which was a very sweet sight.  (parents had to stand outside the door which prevented picture taking)

Sadly, this might be the last time Savannah leaves the house dressed up as a princess. 

As an aside. . . Lila wears this green dress up dress because her other dresses have torn.  This dress shows her belly which I am not a fan of but when we have torn up the two more conservative dresses that were in the collection, what is a Mom to do?  When Lila walked into the party she immediately pulled the shirt down in effort to hide her belly.  Unfortunately, that exposed her chest and wasn't acceptable.  Miss Lila was so embarrassed to show her belly that she started crying.  I settled her and told that her she chose to wear the green dress instead of the ones with holes and we had nothing else for her to change into.  Eventually, she pulled it together and walked into the party.  I believe this will remedy her desire for a bikini.  Can you believe my four year old wants a bikini?  Savannah doesn't even have one.  For the record, no one will have one for years to come!

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