Thursday, May 26, 2011

Dancing Queens

Both Lila and Savannah took dance class this year.  I have never let them participate in the recital in years past but decided this year, was the year for Savannah.  Savannah was really excited and a little nervous for the recital once the costume came in.  Neither one of us knew what to expect.  I don't know who had more anxiety.  I had to apply makeup to my child for the first time and Savannah was nervous about being on a big stage with bright lights.

The rehearsal was run just like the program and was the only opportunity we had for video.  The curtains and decorations weren't in place but the girls danced very seriously.  Savannah was a few steps behind as she was cuing off of her neighbor instead of trusting herself.  Surprisingly, she danced better than ever with perfect timing for the show.  I wish I had the real deal on video. . .

Here is my big girl with way too much make.  The instructions were to apply lots of makeup and then apply even more.  Turns out bright, red, clown, lipstick doesn't stand out on stage like it does at home. Just for the record, I never dreamed I would have girls in tutus and makeup at age 7. Thank goodness it was only for one day. It is NOT my style and all I could tolerate.

I can't forget to included pictures of Lila.  She loved dancing in her Creative Movement class.  It challenged her motor planning and highlighted her strengths and weaknesses.  Each week in her class, Lila practiced a recital dance too.  However, I feel like it is frivolous to spend $50 plus dollars on a costume that she will wear one time at the age of four.  Savannah seems old enough to value the hard work that goes into a recital and is very proud of herself.  After she Lila watched the recital, I am fairly confident she was thrilled to be sitting on my lap and not performing.  She isn't a performer.

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