Wednesday, August 10, 2011


We are finishing up our three week stint here in Washington. The girls have had another wonderful summer break here in the warm but dry heat. There has been much time spent in water, whether it be by slide, pool, or boat. They have reconnected with cousins, met new cousins, and in general fallen in love with their cousins all over again. It has been good. We are lucky to have such strong ties to family that only see us a few days out of the year.

Here are some of our more memorable moments thus far. .

Upon arriving, we met the newest addition to our family. Savannah enjoyed learning how to hold a new born while I sat in the corner and sulked after realizing my BIG GIRLS are no longer the babies that I envision them as. Welcome to family Vivian.

We found some fantastic playgrounds which Bella and Lila traversed together.

The Point Defiance Zoo is a must see for the kids.  They enjoy the playgrounds there more than the animals.  Here the twins are pretending to be their hermit crabs, Crusty and Seasa.
Once the weather warmed up on the west side of the mountains, the girls took a dip in Grandma and Grandpa's pool.  It would be the first of many.  I can honestly say, my girls are burned out of swimming! 

While crossing the mountains to Grammy and Papa's house, we decided to stop and see a waterfall. Oddly enough, neither Alex or I have seen Snoqualmie Falls. It was a beautiful day and the girls were impressed by the falls.   I loved how I caught the girls pairing off and having fun together.  My girls really do love each other.  I eat up moments like these.

Almost two weeks ago today, we landed at Grammy and Papa's.  The girls had much fun reaquainting themselves with their toys, familiar bike rides, couch tricks and, of course, the water slides.   This year Lila navigates the slides solo while Adeline still prefers a lap.  Savannnah took a couple of trips down but now prefers deep pools where she can dive.  She was able to put those diving skills to use during the Quincy Coin Drop.  Four hundred dollars were dropped in the pool.  The whistle blew and it was every man for himself so to speak.  Savannah proudly came up with nine of those four hundred dollars.  Not too shabby.  I am proud to report that she wants to use some of that nine dollars to buy something for her sisters since I sent them back to the house for naps and didn't let them participate.  Savannah's love of money has inevitably sprouted but she continues to push herself to put her money to good use.

Below is the annual Amazing Couch Trick.  Adeline discovered this trick last year but was much more animated and vocal when doing it this year.  Now, it is always coupled with a bow - even though she almost forgets it in the clip below.  Turn up the volume because the Belle is a soft speaker.

more to come. . .

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