Sunday, September 11, 2011

Turning Five. . . Much Over Due Post

The girls celebrated their birthday at My Gym again this year.  The party fell two days before their official birthday.

It just wouldn't be a party if Baby Kate didn't come.  The icing on her visit was that she gave the girls their first hoop.  Along with it, the girls were given their favorite color basket balls, only Baby Kate's parents would think of that.  Lila took a while to figure out how to shoot but Miss Adeline has some skill.  Her IU classroom has worked on ball skills for the last two years and oddly enough, Miss Belle has a jump shot.  I do not lie and, unfortunately, don't have a picture to back it up.
After shooting practice, we were headed to My Gym. Here is a video that sums up the fantastic time had by all. My Gym knows how to throw a fun party!

Two days later the girls woke up to this.  They exchanged their gifts and were very sweet about giving and receiving.  They were equally excited about what the other received.  They still have one foot in "what's mine is yours and what's yours is mine."  Lila was delighted by her princess dresses and and Adeline was over the moon with her Hungry Caterpillar sheets and sleeping bag.  Thanks Aunt Natalie.  xoxo

There are two very easy ways to both girls' hearts. Ducks and M&M's. They were pleased!
Next on the agenda, was their first trip to Dutch Wonderland. Charlotte met us at lunch before hand for another round of singing and left over caterpillar and duck cakes.  

Finally, we were off to their birthday surprise.  Dutch Wonderland proved itself and suckered us into a membership.  Here is a taste of our Dutch Wonderful DAY!

 How grateful we are for this wonderful family. . . our family!  While pregnant, I stood by Miss Charlotte's isolette while her body violently shook from the oscillating vent.  It was a recommended  "prep" for what was to come.  I walked away from that visit scared to death for my little girls.  Less than one month later, my girls were parked right beside Charlotte in the NICU, Miss Adeline the one vibrating from the oscillator.  Eventually, a relationship developed between our families and came full circle when discovering that their baby was the baby I visited.  It just wouldn't be a birthday without these girls celebrating their miraculous lives together. 

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