Thursday, October 13, 2011

Number Rings and Paw Prints

One of Lila's goals this year is to be able to identify and order all numbers 1 - 100.  This is a lofty goal as state standards only require Kindergarten students to use numbers 1-31.  Our school district is typically above average in all areas and feels comfortable pushing their students in this manner.  I agree that most students are able to do this task by the end of Kindergarten but it is certainly going to be challenging for Lila. 

When she started Kindergarten, Miss Lila could order her numbers 1-10 but didn't have the automaticity to name them out of order.  This was/is a result of her speech and language processing delay.  After much practice, Lila passed and was given her numbers 1-20.  To our surprise, she sailed through the teens which have a reputation to trip up many kids.  We were over the moon when hearing this news.  For Lila to be able to rattle off 20 numbers is a huge accomplishment, no matter how well she knows them.  Again, her speech delay really holds her back in this department. 

In order to reward her hard work, each time Lila passes her number ring, I take her to lunch.  She beams with pride and can't wait until she passes again.  Currently, she is overwhelmed by 30 numbers spread out in front of her and it looks like passing numbers 1-30 will take some time.  Regardless, we are more than proud.  She is right where the majority of her class falls.  This I celebrate!

On the same day Lila passed her number ring, she came home with the paw print.  This is an award giving to a child for doing something positive in the class - whether it be cleaning up, using good manners or just following directions.  After Alex picked Lila up from school, he called with the both pieces of news and I had tears in my eyes.  My little girl is in the mix.  She is working hard to meet academic expectations while making sure she is minding her P's and Q's!

Oh how I love this girl!!  Here she is with her new set of numbers.

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