Thursday, November 17, 2011

Prematurity Awareness Day

Over five years ago, we joined the prematurity community.  Before having the twins, I never stopped to think about babies that were born early and the subsequent implications of their early birth.  I didn't understand what was behind the NICU's closed doors or what the families of those babies went through.  Now I know all too well.

Today, I pause to celebrate our successful outcome while recognizing those babies and families that are not as fortunate.  I give thanks for the doctors, nurses and research funding that played a role in my babies coming home.  I pray for the tiny babies laying in their isolettes clinging to life on their breathing tubes.

Those were my babies five years ago.

Here the girls are on their first Prematurity Awareness Day. 

Today is a day to call attention to babies like mine because awareness leads to funding.  Funding is what provided my girls with the medical equipment and knowledge doctors needed to keep the girls alive. Funding is what provided the countless hours of therapy my girls have received and still receive.  Funding is what helped pay for the million plus dollars in medical bills.  Funding is everything when you are born at one pound! 

Here are my girls five years later at yesterday's swim lesson; alive, well and happily jumping into the pool together.  We are so darn lucky.

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