Monday, December 5, 2011

Turkeys and More

There were many events surrounding this year's Thanksgiving.  First, Adeline had her annual Thanksgiving celebration at school.  This year, it was a more mature event where the children acted out the Pilgrim's voyage and feast.  Miss Lois went through the story of the Pilgrims and paused to ask many questions.  Each question was answered by Miss Adeline.  There were a few answers that only she knew and, to my amazement, she gave those answers in a loud enough voice for all the students and parents to hear.  Such progress in the volume department.  Here is a picture of Adeline and her classmates boarding and traveling on the Mayflower.

Later in the week, I volunteered in Savannah's classroom during her Thanksgiving celebration.  Our local school district has a "no outside food," policy which makes feasting a little difficult.  Instead, students traveled to different stations throughout the second grade classrooms.  My station happened to be corn husk dolls which we made out of raffia.  Let me tell you, if you are ever asked to help students make these dolls, say, "NO."  It was very labor intensive with about five knots for each doll.  After tying all of those knots for about 35 five second grade girls, I was tied up in a knot!  Regardless, the girls walked away very proud of their new found friend.

Adeline came along with me this day and was running out of patience by the time I decided to break away from tying to take a picture. 

The next day we were off to DC to celebrate Thanksgiving with good friends.  Our Thanksgiving was bliss.  There was no stress, great food and lots of down time with friends and family.

Instead of frantically preparing food all day, Heather and I got up and ran a 5 mile Turkey Trot.  The men took the kids to the water front to feed ducks which means we all got some sun and 65 degree weather in us before heading back inside.

We didn't start dealing with food until 1:00!  Low stress, was the name of the game.  We all put together a few dishes and viola, we had ourselves a meal!  This man cooks a mean bird. . .

The most remarkable event of holiday was my girls' growing affection for Kate's dog, Monte.  My girls do not like dogs whatsoever.  Sometimes Lila can warm up to dogs but Savannah is always fearful.  Adeline's fear is more than fear and falls under her sensory umbrella.  Have I mentioned that she is scared of her own cat?

Magically, Monte has moved into all three girls' hearts.  Savannah and Lila couldn't get enough of the big dog who was just as content to ignore the world under the kitchen table.  Miss Adeline was the last to turn but before we left, she was a Monte fan too!  Why can't all dogs by like Monte; calm, sedate, and loveable?

Before heading home, we took in a Christmas light show and carnival with Kate's family.  The girls had a great time.  It was a Ferris Wheel First for our family when we were given the opportunity to all ride together.  It ended up being one of those special moments where I want to freeze time and reflect on my amazing family.  Oh why can't we freeze time?! 
Eventually, we had to pack it up and head home.  The goodbyes were awful.  The little girls cried such deep sobs when realizing that they wouldn't see their Baby Kate for what seemed like a very long time.  As we pulled out of the parking lot with crying girls, I smiled.  I knew we had done something right for my girls to love Kate so deeply. 

Our family continues to grow with good friends!

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