Friday, March 23, 2012

She's Growing Up

There is no denying the fact that 8 has been a HUGE change for Savannah.  Kids change each year but this past year has been vastly different.  And no, I am not talking about the gigantic adult teeth that are bursting through her gum line.   I think the most noticeable change is that the blinders are off.  We are known to shelter our girls and preserve their sweet innocence.  Savannah is still sweet but she is no longer living in a world that her parents filter.  Worldly innocence is lost. 

Lately, Savannah has fallen head over heels for history.  Wars, cultures and the idea of freedom fascinate her.  A year ago, I wouldn't go into the details of war because I didn't want to tell her that  people kill one another while fighting for a cause.  She knows this to be true now.  In fact, it is all she can read about.

George Washington's leadership during the Revolution was the first piece of history to captivate her.  From there, she hasn't stopped asking about the Civil War, 9/11, aspects of slavery, World War II, civil wars in Africa and much more that I know I am forgetting.  Her maturity when discussing these topics astound me.  She looked at me one day and said, "It seems like the more you learn, the more you feel you don't know."  Pretty profound for an 8 year old.

Alex and I are enjoying our second go around at history as we try to dredge up the answers to Savannah's questions from the far corners of our minds.  There is something much more meaningful about these topics now that we are describing them to our child.  There is so much more meat when you do more than just read out of a book.  My next post will show how we are trying to bring our country's past to life for the girls. Who would have thought that it would turn our daughter into a want-to-be historian. 

I can't close this post without noting the other changes that make me celebrate in the moment but sit up late at night with a heavy heart.  When traveling, Savannah listens to my old iPod.  (Please don't mistake it for an iPod Touch.  They seem to be the gift for 8 year olds but this 8 year old isn't getting her hands on one.)  We have been out of town a lot lately which means hours in the car.  In the way back of the van sits my big girl with earphones.  In the moment it means one less opinion about what we are going to watch or listen to which makes life easier.  The picture in my head looks more like a 12 year old and makes me miss years past when we watched endless Elmo movies in the van.

Another successful step towards independence has been her ability to shower, get dressed, comb her hair and put it in a ponytail.  She has been showering for years but this is different.  I can stand in the kitchen and ask her to take a shower.  Savannah will disappear and return 30 minutes later having done all of the above WITH NO HELP.  Again, I celebrate it in the moment.  However, it is times like this when she is in school that I sit back and miss when I helped her get dressed or needed to constantly redo her ponytails; which were always adorned with bows.

Another milestone has been her independence in the morning.  She actually set her alarm this morning because she had an early dentist appointment.  Before I was out of bed, she was dressed with teeth brushed and headed downstairs to pour herself some cereal.   I never have to ask her if she got her homework done because she has both papers laying out on the island for me to sign each morning.  She is always packed up and ready to go well before I am chasing Lila down to get her in the car.  It is nice I suppose.  No battle.

Just to reiterate. . .  I miss this and at the same time, I celebrate the above!

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