Monday, May 7, 2012

Poetry Day

Savannah's class celebrated Poetry Month by inviting parents to a Poetry Day celebration.  It is clear their teacher LOVES poetry.  They have been using poems to reinforce their learning all year long.  There were poems about pumpkins, holidays, bats, soil and much more.  They have read novels written in free verse, studied famous poets, and, best yet, have written many, many poems.

Poetry Day gave each student the opportunity to recite a poem.  To compliment this, the students had poems on display and class book of poems that was given to each family.  As we gathered into the classroom, it became clear that the students had worked very hard to put together such a nice presentation.  Each child was dressed beautifully and sitting quietly while holding still their nervous hands.  After a brief introduction by the teacher, the students took control of the day.  They introduced each other, gave brief overviews of the poems and what learning they represented, and each student recited a poem from memory.  I just couldn't believe that every student knew their poem and didn't need any prompting from the teacher.  They knew when to go up front which prevented those awkward pauses you often see at times like this.  It was flawless.  Honestly, Savannah belongs to the best group of second graders I have ever seen!

Here is my girl reciting her acrostic poem about spring.  It was a beautiful presentation.

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