Wednesday, September 5, 2012

6. . .Impossible!

It really seems impossible.  Not so long ago I was willing Adeline and Lila to sit up or hold their bottles.  Now I am having real conversations, enjoying their endless outpouring of love and, in general, delighting in their success.

Six means so many things. . .  

The NICU is really a distant past, although never far from a mother's heart.
The girls are real people, with valid opinions and thought out reasons.
They will spend more time outside the home than at home.  (A big tearjerker for me!)
They are capable, helpful and full participants in our family.  (Now that's not so bad.)

I could list many more but all of the changes point to. . . growing up. . . big girls.  As much as I try to keep my kids in the nest, sheltered, and innocent, I must let them take flight this year.

Spread your wings baby girls.  The world is watching you gracefully become more than anyone thought you could be.

Gosh darn it, I can't type this without crying.  It's just such a miracle.  Truly a miracle.  I love them so.  They love each other so.  It just couldn't be better.

Happy 6th Birthday Adeline and Lila Grace!!!!

1 comment:

  1. I found your page while googling my daughter's name and I am thrilled to pieces for you guys, how exciting - such a long road, but traveled with grace! our lila grace is in heaven, we miss her so.

    i was so moved by your photos!

