Tuesday, July 23, 2013

African Market

It's hard to believe but the school year has drawn to a close.  The twins loved Kindergarten this year.  T. Michelle was kind, loving and so supportive of my girls and our family.  The twins made good friends, solid academic progress and grew emotionally as well.  They are such big girls.  Their days were LONG!  Out the door by 7:45 a.m. and not home before 3:30 p.m.  Each day included an almost an hour of drive time and sometimes more.  There was OT, PT, and Speech to squeeze in before school, during school and after their long day.  It just depended where we could fit it in that week.  For the most part, the twins grabbed their backpacks and hopped in the car happily
.  What a blessing.  This year certainly wasn't the year we had planned for and I am happy to say the twins rose to the occasion.

One of the most exciting events in Kindergarten is the African Market.  This falls at the end of the year.  The kids work all spring to put the Market together.  There is an incredible amount of knowledge gained and crafts made.  The students sing many songs, put on an African dance and pair up to teach the parents and other students about their learning.  Lila was in charge of African games and Adeline, round houses.  I was very pleased how Lila stood strong and worked to converse the adults.  Speaking isn't easy for her.  The words aren't always available and her articulations makes her hard to understand.  She knows this.  Adeline, on the other hand, loves to talk.  She went on and on about round houses.  Miss Belle is quite a character.

Here they are performing and in the dances and their stations. 
Crafts. . .

 At home with their robes, beaded necklaces and woven goods. I didn't get pictures of all their pottery.

The Big E really enjoyed herself that morning.  

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