Sunday, July 28, 2013

Helping Hands

I can't say enough about how Savannah has let Evelyn set up camp in her heart.  She adores her.  All the girls do.  Really, who doesn't?!  There is something special building between Savannah and Evelyn though.  Evelyn lights up when Savannah comes in the room and Savannah does the same.  They spend hours gazing into each others eyes and mimicking funny faces.  They are completely comfortable with each other. 

As a busy mom, I know the temptation is there to ask Savannah to do too much.  I am very conscious of this.  I make sure not to put the responsibility of my baby on my nine year old.  What is amazing, is that Savannah, has just taken it on.  She holds and holds and holds her baby sister.  She sees when I need both hands and is the first to offer help.  Savannah can't wait to get her hands on her after the long school day.  Often times, Savannah is the first face Evelyn sees when lifted out of her crib.  Just recently, Savannah asked to get her up.  I lost track of time and turned around to find my baby's diaper changed and dressed for the day.  I was shocked.  Savannah just did it.  I didn't teach her and to be honest, I am glad I wasn't in the room.  It probably would have been painful to watch but Evelyn never made a peep.  Since this day, Savannah has changed plenty of diapers and dressed her many times.  Savannah loves picking out the clothes.  It was priceless watching her find the perfect outfits for the changing weather.  Evelyn is in good hands!

Just a couple days ago, I was out with the twins and Alex was home working with Evelyn and Savannah.  Evelyn ended away during one of Alex's calls.  Without being asked, Savannah offered to take care of her.  For a full thirty minutes, Savannah entertained her and eventually got her down for a nap.  This girls knows what she is doing!  She is on the road to making extra money.  If she offers the help, we are happy to offer money.

I am so proud of Savannah and love watching Evelyn love her more each day. 

I need to point out that Adeline and Lila also shower The Big E with loves.  Lila has fed her bottles as well.  Sadly, Evelyn is getting so big that they aren't strong enough to carry her.  If this baby would stop growing!!

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