Monday, August 12, 2013

Two Months Old and the Center of Attention

Evelyn is just the sweetest baby.  She would spend all day sleeping on your chest if you would let her.  In fact, the first two months of her life, she was sleeping on me more than anywhere else.  I perfected letting her sleep on top of me at night while at the same time ensuring she wouldn't slide off me and suffocate.  At two and a half months, we hit the jackpot and tried putting her to bed in the crib for the first time.  Someone likes her crib!  Evelyn also likes a tight swaddle and lots of things pushed up beside her.  I know, not safe.  I can tell you she survived it since she is actually 4 months going on 5 months old as I type this.  Here is a typical sleeping position.

The Big E is still the center of attention.  This is what I had to deal with when trying to get the girls out the door for school.  It's like pulling gum off the bottom of your sneaker.  It just doesn't come loose. 
Evelyn is discovering her voice and is making all sorts of cooing sounds.  The girls eat it up.  They even twist the sounds into words sometimes.  My favorite sound is her horse noise.  She makes the snorting sound of a horse many times a day.  It's quite cute.

They like to dress her up in all of her cute summer clothes.  Summer clothes are cuter than winter clothes!
 (please excuse the crazy hair.  They were fresh out of bed.

This baby has a smile that doesn't stop.  It is in full force now.  We love it.  I think the girls even feel it is a door to her soul.  The have the affirmation that she loves them and enjoys their silly faces in her face, constantly!

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