Friday, July 11, 2008

More From the Beach

Alex left for Dallas with all of my pictures on his hard drive. Now that he is back home they have made their way over to my computer. I can't emphasize enough how important it is to back up your hard drive. We mentioned that we needed a backup for our "backup" and not a day later our external hard drive was dead. Unfortunately, with it went pictures from the last three months (I won't go into why they were on my backup and not on my computer). Let this be a sign. . . back up your computer!!!

Since I have over 1,000 pictures from the beach I am going to have to do some serious weeding. I think I am going to do separate posts for each child.

I am going to start with Miss Grace. She, as mentioned before, had a love hate relationship with the sand. It has become apparent that she has a few sensory issues as well. She can't tolerate anything messy on her body from a drop of yogurt to a grain of sand. She screams until it is wiped away and then calmly says, "All done." That is my youngest, hot and cold.

By the end of the week, she found her beach groove and would play in the water, run around on the sand, and enjoy different pictures Mommmy would draw for her in the sand. When tired, she would find her way back to the stroller and calmly (well not every time) snuggle bunny until she was lulled to sleep by the waves. Quite unusual for her.

Our last night was the 4th and she really enjoyed the fireworks. We could see them up and down the beach. We sat with family while they were lighting their personal fireworks and she giggled as the sparks went flying. I can see her jumping into sparklers next year.

I think next year will be a bit easier on Lila. Hopefully, the sand won't be an issue. I also think that being more stable on her feet will make her more confident which could really limit my chair time. I guess I should be careful what I wish for. The days of napping on the beach are surely gone.

Listening to the ocean in a shell

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