Monday, July 14, 2008

Our Weekend at Home!

That's right! We spent our entire Saturday at home and it was fabulous. The weather was dripping hot but that didn't seem to bother the girls. We put them in their swimsuits and out onto the poor man's patio they went. We set up the pool and they kept cool splashing until daddy broke out the playhouse box.

We got the girls a playhouse for their 2nd birthday and decided that since we are going to be in Washington State for the big day, we would put it together early. Much to our girls delight, I might add. Not a second after we pulled the box out onto the driveway was Lila Grace jumping and climbing all over it. Then came the parts - many of them - that needed unloading. Adeline stuck to the pool but the other two were glad to help. Things went slower, much slower, but eventually we had ourselves a lean-two and that was enough for the girls. We finally got the house together during the girls' nap which provided us with hours of fun later in the evening.

After the girls got some play time under their belts, we headed around the corner to see the horses behind our development. Savannah has a sudden love of ponies and asks to see them every time we drive by. They were a big hit, Miss Grace even pet one. Unfortunately, one decided to snort rather loudly which sent all three girls three feet in the air. After that, Adeline was beside herself, Lila was disgruntled and Savannah was torn between wanting to spend time with the horses and her sudden fear of them.

It is amazing how much fun staying at home and hanging with your kids can be. Simple things like watching Adeline drink water for the first time (if you want to call letting it dribble out all over her "drinking") and Lila's new found love of ice tea were moments worth hanging around the house for. We have amazing girls. All three are snuggly, loving and funny in their own little way. May this weekend be a reminder that "home is where it's at."

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