Saturday, August 2, 2008

My Big Girl and the Beach

Here are a few pictures of Savannah enjoying herself at the beach. There is no other child you would want to vacation with. She defines vacation. Many mornings we would snuggle on the couch. There were no demands and she was always very patient to eat breakfast and go to the beach. Whenever we told her it was just going to be her and not the girls she would light up and say, "Just special Mommy and Savannah time!" If all children were that easy to please! Her favorite activity is still jumping the waves, which gives one's arms quite the workout. There were no complaints when we decided to go back into the house. In fact, she would ask, "Can I color when I get back?" Such a simple request but Savannah always feels the need to ask first. I wish my manners were that apparent.

Ever since she was 8 months old, she has loved to stand in the ocean and let the waves crash over her. I find it odd that she is fearless at the beach. This is the same child who won't go and play the yard due to her current (shall I say irrational) fear of bees.

Although she continues to demonstrate the essence of a "little girl" she is most notably growing into a "big girl." When I look at her sitting on the beach and I can't believe she is mine. Where did the time go? Moreover, "How on earth did I get so lucky?"

Then and. . . now

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