Thursday, August 7, 2008

Preparing for the Friendly Skies

As we prepare for our trip out West, we are down and out for the count. Adeline was at duPont on Wednesday for respiratory issues. Lila Grace seems to have a touch of it and Daddy is running a fever and not feeling so hot himself. I guess I should add that I am not running at 100% either. Oh, the irony of timing.

We haven't been sick since April. Adeline hasn't needed neb treatments or a steroid since the NICU!! What is the deal! There are many things to consider when flying with her. The cabin air is closer to 18% oxygen which is down from the 21% that we all breath on a daily basis. We can't take tanks on board and requesting theirs results in an emergency landing. So. . . we pack up the pulse oximeter, nebs and meds and keep our fingers crossed. This is, after all, a trip to celebrate their second birthday and baptism. Why we can't be healthy going in to it, I will never understand.

I guess I will try to look at it in a positve light. No one has a high fever which in this house is uncommon. I do think we produce "fever queens" and I would be very uncomfortable flying with a child that is burning up with the not so uncommon 104.5 temp. Savannah isn't sick which is a big help. Her excitement keeps us going. Adeline and Lila Grace are terribly fussy but still functioning which is better than laying around. And finally, we are healthy enough to fly (I realize that this may change due to this illness we are all fighting) which is a stark difference from last year at this time.

Wish us luck, send the girls sweet dreams (it is an overnighter for them) and let's hope we all wake up feeling better in the morning.

Since this trip is centered around their birthday, I have their birth, NICU stay and remarkable outcome on the brain. Here is a little picture that puts everything into perspective.

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