Wednesday, September 10, 2008

She was a Star

Yes, she still takes Bunny in car and whatever other stuffed animal that she is enjoying for the day

Did I think she would be anything less? Not really but the start of anything can go either way with Savannah. Brandywine seems different for her. She has been there for the past two years and knows all of the staff members except, oddly enough, her head teacher. I guess that didn't matter because she said, "good morning" and hung her backpack up like a pro. I was proud and exceedingly happy to have her in preschool again -that is, not Kindergarten.

Oddly enough, I was a bit unsettled as I drove away. I didn't take her to orientation (Daddy did) which left me meeting the teacher for the first time on the first day of school. I didn't have the "warm fuzzies" and felt like I just left her there. I am sure Mrs. Moscorelli is a great teacher and is very kind and loving but I don't KNOW that. I stood in the aisle of Giant across the street from Savannah's school a bit worried. Was she okay? Did she need bit more assurance than she was receiving? Would they call if she cried? Oh goodness, is she crying? It is hard to not KNOW.

Of course, it all ended up being fine and we are three days into the year now. Savannah is as happy as ever to be going to school. I don't know what I am going to do when I drop her off on her first day of Kindergarten not knowing the staff, teacher or parents. How do people do this, I just don't know.

The face that greeted me at pick up

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