Monday, January 5, 2009


Although this post is long overdue, it is not because it lacks importance. We had the most wonderful Christmas season this year. We had daddy home for TWO whole weeks. Instead of multi-tasking, and juggling work and play, we were able to really enjoy our children. Simple activities like baking and wrapping were enjoyable because with Grammy and Papa around, the adults outnumbered the kids.We were also able to enjoy many of the holiday activities that our are has to offer.

These past two weeks allowed us to watch our children delight in their sisters, grandparents and even us old worn out parents. This time together gave both Alex and I a refreshing opportunity to fall in love with our girls all over again. Love them I do! I can officially say, "Freeze it!" I thought that would be years away but freeze it now. I don't want them any bigger, wiser or older. I am in the sweet spot of life and recognize how precious and brief this time is.

Miss Grace became the apple of our eye over these two weeks (no that wasn't a typo). She had us bent over laughing more times than not. I don't know how someone so funny and spirited can come from our genetic make up but it is sure a pleasure to have her around. When her spirits get her in trouble, she runs and puts herself in timeout which is so stinking cute. She loves to tell everyone hello and recently has started saying, "Hi Baby," very affectionately to us. Pretty cute coming from such a cute girl. I guess that is the difference with Lila when compared to her sisters. She knows she is cute and funny and uses it to her ability.

Savannah is growing both physically and emotionally right before our eyes. She told her teachers on the way into school today that she wears a size 6/7 now. It was a little sad when I discovered the jump in size. She also really demonstrated her maturity when participating in many of the holiday tasks. She took more delight in giving this season when compared to receiving. Spending hours in the kitchen with her baking cookies opened my eyes to the fact that my little girl isn't so little any more. What a delight she is to raise. She is perfection.

For the Belle, what can I say. This holiday was her homecoming anniversary. I remember the day we brought her home and how tiny and sick she was. This holiday, she was in the mix! Unwrapping gifts, getting excited to watch Elmo and participating in our crazy dance parties were only a few of the activities the highlighted her physical and cognitive growth. Keep it up baby girl!

Here are a few pictures of Christmas Eve. We went to an early church service and all three girls sat through it. Adeline had to get up to dance when we sang of course. Church was followed by dinner, spreading reindeer food, a Christmas story and a few gifts. Soon the girls were tucked in their beds and mommy and daddy were frantically getting ready for the morning ahead :)

As stated in our Christmas card, God certainly is shining his light on our family. We are rich in love, spirit and laughs. We have come a long ways over these past two years.

Never in a million years did I think we would go from this

to this in two short (depending on how you look at it) years. God is good.

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