Tuesday, January 6, 2009

So Long O's. . . we hope

Today was the day. After two years of staring at an ugly oxygen tank sitting on an even uglier purple bathmat, we called it quits. I called Praxair and requested a removal of the tank, the exchange of our oxygen concentrator (ours wasn't functioning properly) and a delivery of four E tanks (the size adults pull around in cages/carts.

Adeline has been off the O's for the better part of a year now. At this point, she is rarely on oxygen for illness and if she is, it is only for night time hours. I feel confident our E tanks would get us through an emergency and a car ride to the ER. As an alternative, there is always the option of the concentrator if I want to run up my energy bill and not be able hear anything over the hissing.

As our oxygen guy loaded up the H tank he looked at me and asked, "What is your back up?" Clearly that have seen premature removals in the past and don't want Adeline to find herself in a dangerous situation. I know we don't run this risk but hope that the removal doesn't jinx the long stretch of clear lungs we are experiencing. I would be happy to never have to tape another cannula to her face ever again. It maybe wishful thinking but certainly not out of the question.

Only time will tell.

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