Friday, February 20, 2009

A Special Visitor

Henry came to visit today! He is Charlotte's younger brother (all of 19 days old). Luckily, he was able to make it to 35 weeks which allowed him to weigh in at 6 lb. 3oz. He is quite a success story.

I just love this baby. He is so tiny and precious. I have been anticipating his birth for so long now, not knowing if he would make it to term. Well, he came pretty darn close.

Henry makes me wonder how I felt that the girls were big when they were discharged. They were a pound smaller than this little guy. How quickly you forget the sensation of holding a one or two pound baby. I know I recently posted how Adeline just "stuck" when I held her on my chest. What I can't visualize is her hand or her tiny nose and mouth. I was so troubled when looking at the girls early on. How on earth do I not have the sight of them so small seared in brain? Then again, what really baffles me is that the girls were between 10 and 12 pounds on their first birthday. I see babies that big all the time and they are tiny infants in an infant carrier. Lila was standing and Adeline had just started sitting up. They must of appeared so odd to the outsider. I must say, you don't see a 12 pounder cruising furniture and a 10 pounder sitting up.

How quickly I have forgotten when I promised myself I never would. It was what I was going to hold onto when success wasn't as rapid as I would like. Remembering how small they started out would justify missed milestones etc. I guess my girls have grown and I have grown as well. I no longer need to use their size as an excuse or justification. I am working hard at not measuring them against the rest of the world and just letting them be who they are. After all, they are much more than I ever dreamed they would be.

Welcome to the world Henry!

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