Saturday, May 30, 2009

Potty Trained

Since I haven't gotten around to posting Lila Grace's big milestone, I will slip it in here. I want to at least document it so I can look back and know how young she was when she gave up the diapers. I am sure I will turn into every other grandparent out there and have a selective memory, meaning only good ones that are a bit inflated. When Lila Grace comes to me frustrated about potty training her own children, I can look back here and tell her that it took three tries and that the third one was successful at 2.5 years old - 2 years 9 months to be exact.

I posted previously about trying to train Lila and never mentioned that after April's attempt, she remained in Pull-ups. Not my intention but just how things worked out. She would go to the potty here and there but the Pull-up was always wet. It managed to get drier and drier over time and Lila started making quick pit stops on the potty. This encouraged me to toss the Pull-ups and break out the big girl panties for good.

Surprisingly. . . Lila went one full week without an accident. She did mark the end of that week in a crying fit while in Time Out. Who knew she was crying because she had to go potty and not that she was generally angry. She peed on the floor but was really upset by it and now knows she can sneak to the potty if need be, even when in Time Out.

So there you have it, potty trained and accident free before three. Not bad for a 1 pound 15 ounce baby. She only marginally lagged behind Savannah. I must note that we are still using the diaper when sleeping. I have no desire to change sheets unnecessarily. It hasn't instilled any sort of "diaper confusion" and, like sippy cups, are a form of mess prevention that I plan to use for a VERY long time.

I sigh in exhaustion when thinking about doing this all over again. Adeline. . . your turn.

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