Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Interior Design, I Think NOT! Architect, I Think YES!

Savannah is getting older. With that comes an independent mind. What I think doesn't necessarily get adopted as quickly as it once did. Many of you know that I am pretty big neat freak. I try very hard to "let it go" but am still pretty neat. Savannah thinks she is neat. She loves order. She folds her clothes and reorganizes her drawers, lines everything up in her art desk and will even try to clean up my bathroom from time to time (it is the one room where I truly "let it go.")

Lately, Savannah has been decorating her room. She used to do this before her weekly playdates but now, it seems like an everyday occurrence. My girl can get lost up in her room for hours and when I open her door, I have to plaster on the smile as I am always greeted with, "Look how I decorated my room Mommy!" It takes everything in me to not maker her put it all away. Instead, I try and let her express her individuality and hope she doesn't become the old lady that owns 20 cats and can't find the front door through her horded piles of junk. My relief comes twice a month when I take a bucket and remove it all for the cleaners. Savannah and I both end up rather giddy. I am happy that it is gone, she is excited at the prospect of redecorating it all over again.

Note that the tape is tipped on its side for added appeal.

I personally think she should put her energy into building. One day she took cardboard lid, computer paper, scissors and glue stick up on the island for a couple of hours. Come to find out she made a reinforced bed (headboard and all), table and surfboard for the girls' Sesame Street characters. She told me, "Now we can start working on pretend play with the girls mommy." That's my Savannah.

Although the craftsmanship doesn't translate, I thought I would include some pictures.

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