Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Lila's Christmas Program

Our Lila Grace is more musical than any other three year old I know.  She sings - always!  If there is music she hums, if the words are slightly familiar she tries, and if she knows the song she belts it out.  She has favorite parts of movies, favorite adult songs, and favorite children's songs too.  You would really have to see her perform to understand her unique love of music.

We were so excited to watch Lila perform in her Christmas program right before preschool let out for the the holidays.  This was Lila's time to shine, she would be in her element.  Not only would she be singing numerous songs that she knows, Mommy, Daddy, Grammy, and Papa would be there to watch and praise her.

Miss Lila was very cute walking into the sanctuary that morning.  She smiled and waved but was very focused on the job head.  She took her place on the riser and began singing the moment that the music started.  I began to notice that she was crossing her legs and losing her balance over and over again.  She didn't seem to mind because she didn't miss a word or a motion.  Unfortunately, she was so squirmy and off balance, by the crossed legs stance, that she fell off of the riser.  I was heartbroken for her because I thought she would be embarrassed.  I quickly ducked back into the parents and let her teacher come to her aid (I would elicit crying for sure).  In no time, Lila was up and singing again.  By this time, she was looking at her Daddy (avoiding eye contact with me) and whining his name quietly between songs. I knew.  She was doing the potty dance and in pain.  I didn't know what to do.  Take her down off the stage and have her miss the short performance, it is after all her moment?  I ended up leaving her and quickly grabbed her after the last song was sung.  I swept her into the bathroom where she covered her eyes and cried.  She had peed in her pants but avoided opening up the flood gates, thank goodness.  She was so ashamed and upset when I pulled off her tights.  That was it for her mood during the reception too.  I was heartbroken for my little girl.  Instead of feeling proud she felt shame and stayed buried into her Daddy's lap for much of the reception.

A couple of weeks have passed and I am beginning to see the future humor in all of this.  But for now, I am happy to have this clip of her redeeming herself at home with the last couple line of, "We Wish You a Merry Christmas" (motions and all).

Here is clip of her performance and fall - please excuse my sudden outburst of prayer?? at the end

Here is a clip of a very pained face after the fall while still doing her very best to hold it

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