Friday, January 1, 2010

Happy 2010

We actually rang in the New Year this year.  Before I get to that, I should start with the kid's and their early celebration. 

We invited the neighbor girls over for a hot dog dinner and early countdown. The older girls didn't really understand what the countdown was or how the ball dropped. I hope our confetti drop, party poppers, horn blowing and lighting of sparklers helped the girls wrap their heads around celebration.

We had a champagne toast with neighbors, friends, and Grammy and Papa and were soon tucking the twins into their beds for the last time in 2009.

Once the kiddos were quite, we left for Four Dogs Tavern with our good friends, Melissa and Byron. It was so nice to see them without kids at our feet. I was suffering from a headache so food and drink weren't high on my list. However, everyone else seemed to enjoy both. The crowd was much older and not quite what we expected but we were certainly amused by it all. The time passed quickly, most likely because we were racking our brains in order to come up with a song that the DJ might actually have. No such luck but I wasn't complaining. It kept me off the dance floor and history proves that off the dance floor is much better than on it for me! Before we knew it, we were ringing in the new decade! We couldn't have asked for better company. Melissa and Byron can appreciate the welcoming of a new year and all the possibilities it brings for our girls and our families.

Funny how it looks like we drowned ourselves in beer. My dad took this shot this morning which I have no recollection of. Can three kids, a holiday season, and one late night really make getting up this difficult - even at 9:00 a.m.? Man, we are getting OLD!

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