Tuesday, April 27, 2010

The Lion King with Miss Green

I had the opportunity to take Savannah to The Lion King in Philly.  It was absolutely amazing.  She is the perfect age and appreciated the craft and hard work that went into the production.  She was captivated the entire time.  It was fun to get dressed up, go to dinner in the city, and go to a "grown up play" together.  If you haven't seen it, it is worth every penny.  The only problem is that once you see The Lion King, other shows become a step down in the visual department.
During intermission, Savannah was washing her hands.  She had turned the water off while soaping her hands.  She turned to me with a proud smile and said, "I'm saving the Earth."  If one person could single-handedly change the world, I think Savannah would be the one to do it.  She is green, almost to an annoying fault, and compassionate about the many corners of our world that are often over looked.

The Lion King worked nicely into Savannah's school curriculum.  They are studying Africa.  Last week, I had to drop the girls with Mr. Byron (yep, that is one daddy and five kids) while I went to work.  I offered to pay Savannah $2.00 to help Mr. Byron babysit.  She mentally counted how much money she would have after the job and came up with $40.00.  She then told me, "I want to send my money to Africa.  I know most kids would want to buy toys and sometimes I feel like I want toys but I know in my heart that I should help other people who don't have very much.  How can I send my money to Africa?"  I responded with many different charitable operations that are active in Africa and she narrowed it down to using her money to help provide clean drinking water.  I told her I would match her dollar for dollar which caused her to set a goal of $50.00.  "Then we could send $100.00 to Africa!" 

If I could live outside of myself as much as my daughter does. . .

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