Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Miss I Don't Like Dressing Myself. . .

was found coercing Adeline to pull her pants and socks off when asked to get ready for her nap.  Of course, Adeline thought it was great fun to pull Lila's clothes of her legs and obliged.  Please, don't let this be the start of manipulation.


  1. Just found your blog...I'm a 1984 30-weeker (back before surfactant) and I love your girls' stories! They are adorable! I'm 25 and still struggle with respiratory distress so I really identify with Adeline when she has episodes where her pulse ox drops. Mine does too, but I've learned to deal. :) Hope you have a great night!

  2. Thanks for stopping by. I would love to hear more about your earlier years as a preemie and your stats at birth. I popped over to your blog and see that you are well and happy. Very encouraging!!!
