Wednesday, May 19, 2010

With a Cluck Cluck Here and a Cluck Cluck There

Adeline's developmental classroom recently became the home to baby chicks.  I was pleased to hear that the kids were able to learn through observation.  Not only did they get to watch the cute, fuzzy, yellow, chicks run around in their box, they got to watch one emerge from an egg.  Adeline was so interested that she was able to tell me about it after she got home - something that she usually doesn't do.  All the students held the chicks the day after they hatched.  The chicks were rather calm and sedate which made it much easier on Adeline.  Three days later, families were invited into hold the chicks with the children.  Four day old chicks are much more active!

It was obvious that Adeline was very interested in holding one  She kept trying to put her hands out and was petting the chicks head, but the minute the chick's feet touched her hands, she was a ball of stress.  She never handles animals that move outside of her control well.  As I kept trying to encourage her, my frustration grew (see video for some yelling and chick avoidance).  At that point, Miss Lois stepped in with a simple, yet, ingenious idea.  Lois unfolded a napkin and laid it in Adeline's hands to provide a mental barrier between her and the chick.  Adeline immediately calmed which resulted in a wonderful chick holding moment.  Another example that highlights how amazing Adeline's IU teachers are.

Ten minutes into the activity, Lila was brought into the classroom.  She is in the building for speech and occupational therapy during this time.  Lila decided to accentuate the difference between the girls for all of Adeline's teacher by reaching down to kiss the chick before anyone could stop her.  Getting the chick out of her hands was about as hard as getting it into Adeline's.

I should mention that "Baby Kate" spent the week with us last week and can be seen sitting with us in the pictures and video.  She was too cute with the chicks. We had a great time being a family of four girls and I can't imagine an easier child to care for. I loved turning her into a Shaw girl with pink bows and ponytails. We love her lots!

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