Saturday, September 11, 2010

First Day of 1st Grade

How different first grade is when compared to Kindergarten.  I was an emotional wreck last year.  This year was a different story.  It appears that my once shy and timid girl, has grown into quite a strong and confident girl.  Savannah was not nervous for her first day of school in the least bit.  She couldn't wait for the day to come.  She loves T. Connie and has heard that students learn a lot and do many interesting projects in first grade.  Savannah is my girl who loves to learn!

So, as I tucked my not so little and shy girl into bed, I read her, The Kissing Hand, just like I did last year.  The difference was that, this year, she only thought it to be a cute story.  Last year, she needed to believe that she held my love in her hand throughout her days at school.  Yes, I know, this is all just a simple step in letting go (just a little bit I hope) and starting to carve her way through the world without her Mommy with her every second of everyday. 

Savannah woke up extra early on her first day of school.  I didn't matter much because she was still the LAST child to arrive and found that her line had left her behind.  It rattled me a bit but not my girl.  She was happy to take staff member's hand and be escorted to class.  With quick wave and goodbye Miss Savannah Mae officially entered first grade!
The traditional Quaker handshake at end the day with, Head of School, T. Matt.

I should mention that she loved every minute of the day and told me, once she was in the car on the way home, "Mommy, this is the first time that I am not excited for you to pick me up.  This is the first time that I would rather stay at school."  Of course this is what I have wished for but you know the saying that goes something like this:  Be careful what you wish for . . .

1 comment:

  1. Glad she had a wonderful day! She looks so happy. And so glad you found a sweet and gentle school for your sweet and gentle girl :)
