Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Interantional Peace Day 2010

Today, West Chester Friends celebrated Peace Day 2010. The entire school comes together for a peace parade.  This year, the school participated in Pinwheels for Peace , which was a nice way for the students to feel a part of a larger communtiy. Because Savannah's school is Quaker, peace is a very serious subject.  The children don't just talk about it, they really try to put it in to action.  Some students are more successful than others, and I can tell you that Savannah takes this day seriously.

I had the pleasure of bringing Adeline, Lila and Charlotte to the parade.  Adeline wouldn't let go of Savannah's hand and assimilated to the first grade line nicely.  It is very excitng to be a first grader on Peace Day because each first grader holds a paper mache peace dove while leading the school on their 15 minute march.  This parade is a silent one as students are called to think about their community and communities across the world and how they can make a peaceful impact on both.  The three little girls did a great job respecting the silence and treking along with T. Connie's class.  Adeline was most proud of her big sister and wanted the entire school to know she belonged to Savannah.

After the parade, students placed their pinwheels in front of the meeting house in order to be a public display reminder to all those who drive by - and there are MANY cars each day.   Next, we came together as a circle of Friends and were recognized by the Mayor and Head of School. The celebration ended with some touching songs that were accompanied by four year old dancing.

Watching these three march with the big kids, sing, and dance was rather inspiring. Four years ago all three were figting for life, side by side, in the NICU. Never did I imagine that it was life where all three girls would walk, talk, and function independently. Imagine how I felt today watching them walk hand in hand with Savannah, so proud to be a part of the big kids! While they warmed many hearts today, mine was the warmest! I was the only one that knew the magnitude of their march.

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