Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Going to the Station

As I have mentioned before, the twins just play, play, play, together.  There is rarely fighting or checking in with me.  After school, the girls come home and eat lunch quickly so that they can get their playtime started.  Once down from lunch, they disappear into their make believe world.  There are days that I can't break it up for nap time.  It is just too precious and sweet.  This play is unique and is rooted in the twins' special bond.  Having twins is really paying off now.

Lately, the girls are always pushing a stroller or shopping cart, or pulling a wagon.  They are always packing for a trip which typically involves going to the train station.  We are mildly obsessed with trains in this house.  Savannah loved them, Adeline lives for them, and Lila has decided that being for them is much more fun than being against them.  We are members of a train museum and ride the Santa train annually.  Trains are a part of our life.

The girls will play this game for hours.  They will ride to and from the station, take naps along the way, catch a boat in between, and sneak in some time for a little mommy/baby role play.  They leave me completely alone!  Shh. . . don't tell them I said so because it will jinx it.  I remember when I couldn't go to the bathroom without someone crying and forget making dinner.  It had to be done during nap time.  Just last night I told Alex that I kind of miss the little girls.  It seems that they like spending time with each other more than they like spending time with me.

Lately, I feel that we haven't had any real family unit time.  I have also heard Adeline ask me over and over again if she can ride our local rail line that she sees daily.  She is convinced it is Geo from GeoTrax.  Finally, it dawned on me.  Why don't we hop the local rail and ride it down a few stops?  And so we did it last night.  We hopped the train to Paoli where we had nice dinner with Charlotte and her family (minus her mommy).  After dinner, we experienced waiting for the train in the dark which was very exciting.  Adeline didn't want to get off once back at our local stop.  She would prefer to live her life on a train. 

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