Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Headed Out

We rattled the girls' cages at 3:30 a.m. for a long day of travel out west. Our itenerary had us going for 13 hours which made me a little nervous. We have flown multiple times with the girls but never have we left so early and traveled so long.

Here are my lovelies after arriving at the airport.

The first of three legs was uneventful. Savannah and I slept while Daddy dozed on and off between the twins who were glued to their ipods. When we got off the plane in Denver, Adeline seemed completely normal. Within 30 minutes she was flat on the floor, unable to get up. Soon she was puking, dusky, and lethargic. We didn't have the pulse ox but it was clear she was desatting. Alex and I were both shocked that the cabin pressure and high altitude in Denver made my little girl, more or less, tank. I carried her listless body onto the plane and soon was surrounded by flight attendants. They wanted to know what was wrong with her and what they could do to help. Getting the show on the road was about all I could suggest. I watched Adeline closely as she slept for the entire next leg of our trip. She was breathing harder but not retracting which made me conclude we weren't in crises mode.

Miss Belle woke up in Vegas. Within 30 minutes she was her old self. Somehow she got it together enough so that the next leg of the trip didn't send her into respiratory distress again.

Here she is in Denver and later, on the plane in Vegas. 

Thank goodness for Apple products.  Lila and I were stir crazy from Vegas to Seattle but the other three we quietly glued to their devices. 

Eventually, Lila found her groove too.  A snack, an ipod and straw in her mouth. . . what more could a girl want?
Well, she could want a couple more hours of sleep!  When looking for Adeline today, we found her in her bed asleep.  She had taken it upon herself to grab a couple more hours of shut eye.  Lila couldn't make it in her bed before she passed out. 

With Adeline's need for more oxygen aside, the girls did a fantastic job of traveling.  Not a fuss, moan or cry.  They really are super stars when it comes to this kind of thing.

1 comment:

  1. Having kids who are great travelers is a beautiful thing! :) Hope you have a wonderful time in WA. We're looking forward to being there soon, too.
