Saturday, July 23, 2011


There seems to be a lot of talk about growing up in our house. The girls are starting to think about their future occupations. Here is what I have thus far. . .

Savannah has decided that she only wants to work part time. Where does she come up with this? She thinks working full time won't leave her room to do all the fun stuff in life. She is holding strong to her landscape architect career and to her first customer, me of course, getting a new back yard design for free! The part time thing is strange but wouldn't we all rather work less than more?

Adeline. . . we all know it is going to have something to do with a mode of transportation. I was sure she was going to be a conductor but she surprised me. Miss Belle wants to drive truck. Yep, she wants to drive a big, big, big, truck. She makes me giggle.

Lila has plans to for a stage career. This is rather odd because she gets nervous in front of others. Inside these four walls, she is a tenacious performer. Lila loves to sing and has dreams of doing it on stage. Reason one being that she loves to sing and reason two, not much behind that of reason one, because she plans to wear a beautiful princess dress. Lila has requested that Alex and I watch her performances. I should wear a beautiful, big, dress and daddy is requested to sport a tuxedo. It took awhile to decipher that one but she got tuxedo across eventually. 

A few days ago, Lila amended her stage career.  She plans to be a princess on a rocket ship that flies to outer space.  I give her points for creativity.  She asked if I could go and I told her that I didn't learn how to fly rockets in college.  "That's okay Mommy.  After I learn, I will teach you!"

With minds thinking about the future, the unfortunate subject of death and dying reared its ugly head.  We have had long talks about dying and how once in heaven, one cannot return.  That doesn't sit well with the twins.  They can't stand the idea of me dying, going to heaven and never returning.  I tell them that my love fills their hearts everyday, even when I am not with them.  That didn't seem good enough.  These conversations make me sick to my stomach. 

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