Thursday, February 9, 2012

When I Grow Up

Adeline has come a long ways in the pool department. The anti-back girl is now floating on her back for a good five seconds. This is huge progress. Lots of kids hate floating on their backs. In fact, it may be genetic because all three of my girls have been beasts about it when learning to swim. Can I just say that Savannah was kicked out of swim lessons at three due to this very issue.

Miss Adeline is no exception and takes this fear/beastlyness to the next level. We all know it is from her sensory issues and her not quite having a handle on where she is in space. She always struggles with unstable ground which naturally makes floating unthinkable. Just when I was ready to throw in the towel (no pun intended) Adeline learned to float. She is quite proud of this.

As we were driving in the car, Adeline told us all how her swim teacher let go and she floated all by herself. I suggested she tell her other swim teacher (she swims twice a week at two different pools) to let go as well. I got push back.

Adeline: Mom, Miss Nancy wants me to get bigger first. I need to get bigger like Lila.

Me: Adeline, you are just as big as Lila.

Adeline: No. No I'm not. Lila is just a little bit bigger.

She has a point. Trying to explain they are the same age wasn't doing the trick. Bigger is always better when you are a kid. We shall see how this dynamic plays out in the future. I hope Adeline isn't in therapy when she is an adult because she is viewed as our youngest child. Technically, she is older than Lila by four hours! Too bad she is two inches shorter.

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