Thursday, May 31, 2012

From Tadpoles to Frogs

Back in April, Lila Grace went on a field trip to a pond. Her teacher scooped up a bunch of pond sludge and had the kids sort through the gooey mud in search of tadpoles. Guess who was the ONLY child to fully put her hands in and help her class out. Miss Lila, of course. When the principal was helping my girls out of the car the next morning, she mentioned that she had heard about my mud loving daughter. It was quite a shock for Lila's teacher because because Miss Lila is usually SO reserved in class.

Since digging through mud obviously tapped into Lila on a pretty deep level, we purchased nets and had a family pond night. YUCK! That mud is so stinky and gross. There was no way any of us were getting our hands dirty. It wasn't a problem because Lila Grace came to our rescue.

Here she is with her class. . .
(notice the pearls and mud)

Here she was with us the next day.

After a month of watching our biggest tadpole grow and develop into a froglet, Lila couldn't take it anymore. Over the past two days, she's been digging into the water and can't keep her hands off the poor frog. I think the frog was in her hands, or falling out of them onto the hard deck, more than he was in the water. His tail was shrinking - possibly, because I caught my daughter holding him up to the sky by it, and Mr. Frog was getting his hop on. He needed to be set free.

Today I let Lila bring the frog in the house for some observation time and she still couldn't keep her hands off of him. He was so tolerant. Could he possibly like her attention? The frog just took it, over and over. Here he is hopping around. Before motherhood, I would have never dreamed I would let a frog hop through my house!

We packed him up, along with another very small frog who was ready to be re-introduced to nature, and released them into the pond. Here are some farewell pics.

Bye bye Mr. Frog!

We still have five more tadpoles to go. . . Lord have mercy!

1 comment:

  1. Love this! P & P cracked up watching the frog hop through your house :)
