Sunday, March 17, 2013


It is hard to believe that another year of gymnastics is about to wind down.  It has been quite the year.  Savannah was promoted to pre-team which means she practices one and a half hours twice weekly.  It doesn't sound like that much but there is a 25 minute drive on either side of it which makes for a long day.  She doesn't care though.  She is determined to make the team.  We have no room in the schedule for a "team practice schedule," so I am thankful that she has many more skills to learn before she is considered for the team.  Savannah recognizes that she is taller than most of the girls out there and got a much later start (has only been doing gymnastics for one year).  She doesn't let this get her down.  She works very hard and is comfortable in her own skin when at practice.  I love the program.  They make all kids the feel like a million bucks.

The twins are on year two or three of gymnastics.  Is that sad when I can't remember these things?  They don't love it like Savannah but seem to have fun once they are in their class.  Neither girl is driven or pushes really hard to do more than what is required.  I have them in there for motor planning and strengthening.  Lila has come far this year.  She is starting to get command of her body.  Adeline will always be weak with tight legs.  You can see her limitations when she is working on specific skills.  Adeline is Adeline though and she takes everything in stride with a bright smile on her face.

Each February, the gymnastics program puts on a show for parents.  Her are some pictures and clips from the girls performances.  It was pretty cute but appears pretty abstract and choppy because I squeezed it all into one video.


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