Thursday, January 16, 2014

8 months old!

Time if passing too quickly.  At first I thought it was okay that my baby was getting older.  We all love her smiles and laughs and the fact that she recognizes us and lights up as we walk in the room.  However, I think I am changing my stance on this.  I want a re-do!  I want to experience this all over again.  The small tiny baby, the first smiles, the first time her sisters held her.  I remember when Savannah would get her up in the mornings and dress her.  Evelyn was tiny and would just lay there.  Now it is a bit of a production, a fun one, but a production nonetheless. There is peek-a-boo, hiding her Bunny and making it reappear and tickling her from head to toe.  Evelyn loves it.  But somehow, she has become a squirmy, challenge for her big sister to dress.  Where is the RE-DO??

Eight months it is.  We have been a family of six for eight months.  It has been the best eight months of my life and at the same time, a pretty challenging eight months.  The worrying mother in me is afraid that baby #4 breaks us apart at times and doesn't allow me to give to the older girls like I once did.  Evelyn proves this theory wrong time and time again.  We often find ourselves, all six of us, sitting in the middle of her room and playing with baby toys.  Evelyn brings us together.  It just takes some perspective on the tough days to see it.  Without a doubt, I have experienced levels of love and happiness that I never knew existed until I met Miss E.  I have watched my girls grow in love and be able to articulate their feelings.  They are overwhelmed by how much they love her and just want to be with her.  Good stuff in my book. 

As Evelyn grows, (she is huge!) she continues to check the milestone boxes.  This sweet baby is crawling and trying to stand with lots of help.  Her crawling is more of a commando crawl but she gets to where she needs to go.  Of course she is just like her sisters, never wondering far as her favorite place to be is right by my side.  Independence isn't one her gifts.

Evelyn is also starting eat finger foods.  Her two bottom teeth made an appearance this month which makes chewing a little easier.  It is a welcome relief as I can see how eating Cheerios in the highchair is going to buy me some more time.

Her favorite things:

Well. . . me for the moment!
Her sisters and daddy too
Her Bunny
The cats
Playing in her room

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