Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Adeline's First Day of Preschool - school #1

Adeline's developmental classroom started up again this week.  Miss A was so excited to go back to school that she would name off her teachers one by one randomly during the days before.  There are five of them!  She was equally excited to see all five. 

Adeline couldn't fall asleep the night before and was chatting up a storm until 11:00 p.m.  No worries about being cranky in the morning.  Once I extracted her from the bed (not and easy task) she perked up and couldn't wait to wear her backpack. 

Here she is, Miss swollen sleepy eyes!

Adeline was the first to arrive at school.  Yes, that was a first for her as we are always the last.  She got the undivided loves from her teachers.  Once she spotted Miss Lois, she broke free from my hands and ran - really ran - chanting, "Miss Lois, Miss Lois."  I caught the loving embrace! 

Unfortunately, her day ended on a sad note.  Miss Louise, her beloved bus driver, was rerouted and Adeline was assigned to a minivan.  She was beside herself.  The little yellow bus is the best part of her day.  Last year, if I picked her up and didn't let her ride the bus, I had to drag a kicking a screaming Adeline to my car.  This day, I was holding a sobbing and sad Adeline who was chanting, "I want my Louise, I want my Louise."  It really broke my heart.  I suspect I will be her transportation home as a minivan with a who knows where this car seat has been ride is not my idea of safe transportation for my four year old. 

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