Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Dentist and Special Day Out with the Big Girl

After dropping Adeline at school, both Savannah and Lila had dentist appointments. I was pleased to hear that they are brushing well. I think I can allow Lila to brush without my coming in behind her to ensure the job was well done.

Lila was referred to an Orthodontist. She has a very small palate which is going to need expanding if the upper jaw is to grow along with the lower jaw. I knew it was coming but didn't expect it so soon.  It is common for preemies to have high/small palates from all the tubes that were in their mouths for weeks on end.

Later that evening, I had our babysitter come over to watch the girls (Daddy is gone) so that I could take Savannah on a special night with mommy before her first day of school. She chose a paint your own pottery place. We were both very excited to get away together.

Unfortunately, we received some devastating new on the ride there. One of Savannah's old classmates collapsed suddenly and died on Saturday. I was a sobbing mess upon hearing the news and was forced to tell Savannah. We held each other and cried together. We prayed and cried some more.

I knew I had to push forward with our plans and am glad that I did. Savannah recovered and really enjoyed herself. She understood the tears that were running down my cheeks during our painting session. She went back and forth with her conversations. Questions about sweet Aidan and why he died and then on to her birthday party plans. I guess it was age appropriate under the circumstances. I was happy that she wasn't devastated by my sadness.

Here Savannah is working on her ladybug plate that is meant to hold her ladybug cake for her upcoming ladybug birthday party.

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